AOX Articles

My Referral Failed Implant Protocol
It happens.  Sometimes implants fail.  Ironically, whether you work in a DSO style full-arch practice or a traditional private practice, it is often the restorative provider who first notices a potential...
How to Work With Our Referrals & Not Against Them
AOX surgery is a team sport. There is simply no way around it.  For those of us in a referral relationship, one of the most important aspects of the full-arch team culture is the ability of the surgeon...
My AOX Bruxism Protocol
Ahhh bruxism…  The irony. Patients who frequently require a procedure like AOX, yet a group who we are often hesitant or unwilling to treat.  Should we or should we not treat bruxers? And how should we...
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When I Say No…
One of my biggest pet peeves as an AOX surgeon is when someone tells me,  Oh so and so is such a great surgeon. They never turn anyone away. They treat every patient. It is true that a more experienced...
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