Matt Krieger DMD

All-On-X Surgeries Completed By Dr. Krieger

I began doing All-On-X surgery in 2019. I was 4 years out of residency. I had tried both the private practice and traditional “corporate” oral surgery models but was not passionate about either. 

I knew I needed a change, but I felt burned out and hopeless. I even pondered leaving the world of oral surgery, but those dental school student loans were like shackles pulling me back into the operatory.

Desperate for something different, I approached a well known All-On-X center that happened to be across the street from my apartment at the time. Fortunately for me they were looking to add an additional surgeon. Unfortunately for me, they wanted to know how much experience I had with the All-On-X style procedure. 

When asked, I was honest. I replied, “Essentially none. But, I can learn”. 

And the journey began…

Well over 1500 arches later I could not be more grateful to that practice and those doctors for giving me an opportunity in this field. I have since moved on to another practice, but my passion for this surgery has only grown. 

As a result, I have dedicated my career solely to All-On-X surgery.

Why? Because I absolutely love this procedure. That’s the honest truth.

AOX Surgery is impactful, rewarding, challenging and exciting all at the same time.

The best part of this procedure…is that it doesn’t play nice.

You’ve got to learn from and get better each and every case you cut. That’s why I love it so much.

A passion and drive for excellence and constant improvement are not a luxury in this surgery – they are a necessity.

I started this website to share my journey with you. I hope what I’ve learned in the trenches can help you in someway.

But more importantly, I hope you catch the fever too…